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About the Ecodelia II project:


Ecodelia II based on the fictional game "Ecodelia," which appeared on the hit TV Series "Mr.Robot." In the show, the game is played by one of the main characters, Angela Moss, with a seemingly impossible younger version of herself.

Ecodelia II is a fansite created by me, (Cyberia.) It is both an interactive art piece, click and point adventure, convoluted character analysis, and endless love letter to the character of Angela Moss, portrayed by Portia Doubleday.

I started planning Ecodelia II in 2019, when I began to wonder what it would be like to look into Angela's psyche. This website is an attempt at that, as well as a way to practice my coding, and create my very own unique corner of the internet to take back the web from GAFA (Big Tech- Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple.) No cookies, no affiliate links, no privacy violations, no ads. Just you and your terminal.


This website will include untagged spoilers for the entire Mr. Robot series, including the book "Red Wheelbarrow."

  • Child Abuse
  • Death, Suicide
  • Blood
  • Substance Use
  • Mental Illness, including PTSD, Psychosis, and Schizoaffective Disorder
  • Children in distressing situations
  • General graphic and upsetting themes
  • >: Now imagine the soft whir of your family desktop starting up. There is a cool breeze coming in through the cracked open window. There is no past and no future, only the still, unsettled present.